Willowbrook Church is a church for all peoples. You will meet native Staten Islanders, as well as those who have moved over from Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. We also have regular attenders from various places around the world, including the Caribbean, India, Africa, Korea, China, Egypt, the UK, and also many places around the United States.
At Willowbrook we are focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and seeking to obey the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20. Our worship music is guided by three filters: Is it true? Is it clear? Is it singable for the congregation?
We believe all instrumentation, when available through God’s people, should be employed with excellence.
On Sundays, we enjoy Sunday School at 9:45am, followed by Worship at 11am at our facility; near the intersection of Victory Boulevard and Richmond Ave., directly across from the Z-One Diner at 1780 Richmond Ave., Staten Island, NY 10314
When you come to Willowbrook Church you will be greeted with a smile and an interest in who you are. While we have a few who dress more formally, there are many more who dress business casual, and several who attend in jeans and tee shirts. We are concerned more with the work of God in the heart than the clothes on your back. Our singing is designed for participation so that the congregation sings out together. Some quietly contemplate the words, while some shed tears, and others raise their hands in exuberant praise. Our preaching is full of grace, but Biblical, practical and expository at the same time.
BUS: The 62 bus can get you to Willowbrook (get off at Richmond Ave. and walk 1 block South towards Mall). Also, the 44 and 59 busses comes right by the church on the way to or from the Mall.
CAR: We have plenty of parking on our property at 1780 Richmond Ave. 10314, and out front on Richmond Ave. If you are coming from South of Richmond Ave., you will find it easiest to go through and behind Z-One Diner and then straight across the street from Eton Place (the small street that leads to the Carousel at Willowbrook Park). From Victory Blvd. you can pull right into the church parking lot, at the traffic light on Eton Place and Richmond Ave.
NEED A RIDE: If you need to schedule a ride to church then you can call pastor Chris at 347-620-5003.
We believe serving families as families is important. This guides our commitment to providing a family-integrated 11 AM worship service that is relevant for the oldest adults, youngest children and everyone in between. We strive to create an environment where the wiggles are welcome and families are all able to worship together, each at their own level. A staffed and stocked nursery is also available for your infants and toddlers 3 and under. We also have age-specific Sunday School classes at 9:45 each week, with Bible-based teaching appropriate for all ages with ideal teacher/student ratios and a safe, inviting environment. Click below to learn more about all the other ways we serve families and children at Willowbrook Church.
Drop us a note and our team will get back with you soon!