& Youth
Partnering with families to equip children for a lifetime of loving and serving Jesus.
Partnering with families to equip children for a lifetime of loving and serving Jesus.
At Willowbrook, the safety of our young people is a top priority. All leaders of children and youth are required to pass a background check prior to serving, and no fewer than two approved adults can be with children/youth at any time. We also follow an organized check in/out procedure for children elementary age and below for added security. Finally, we encourage parents not to bring little ones with symptoms of contagious illness for the safety and security of everyone.
“The Hangout” is a meeting for our youth group for 6th - 12th graders.
Where they learn the Bible, play games, sing and have fun.
Every Friday from 7 pm to 9 pm.
We believe serving families as families is important. This guides our commitment to provide a family-integrated 11 AM worship service where the wiggles are welcome, and families are encouraged to worship together. A warm and inviting nursery is also available for your infants and toddlers 3 and under, and age-specific classes are provided through our Sunday School program at 9:30 AM each Sunday. Click here for tips and tricks we’ve found to be helpful when bringing little ones in church.
Each Christmas our children and youth team up to pack Christmas shoe-boxes for Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child. The whole church rallies around our young people to meet a new goal each year for number of boxes packed. We then partner with other local churches to pack a semi-truck and get them on to the distribution center where they are organized and sent all over the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe the Bible teaches the Gospel from Genesis to Revelation, and that it is important to see it play out in all of Scripture. Each Sunday at 9:45 AM, lessons from The Gospel Project are taught to Sunday School classes for every age group from pre-school to adults. The Gospel Project keeps the whole family in the same part of the Bible with age-appropriate depth to promote robust conversations at home about what you’re learning together at Willowbrook.
We provide children’s and youth choirs that sing praise to our God before the church occasionally during the 11 AM gathering. Our music team carefully selects Christ-exalting songs that will not only be enjoyable to sing, but aid in helping your child know more about Jesus and His Gospel.
Each summer our teens and middle-schoolers go to Word of Life Camp in the Adirondack Mountains to connect with each other and with God. Here the Bible is taught in a camp setting, allowing our youth to hear the Gospel in an intensive setting where they can make life-changing faith decisions that will go with them the rest of their lives.
Each summer, Willowbrook serves both our own youth and the youth of our neighborhood with Vacation Bible School. This is a way for us to leverage our presence on Staten Island to be a blessing to our neighbors and to give our children yet another way to encounter Jesus Christ through great music, teaching, crafts and games. Learn more about this year’s Vacation Bible School on our events page.
Awana offers a curriculum that reaches kids and their families with the gospel. Our proven and adaptable curriculum will have you developing leaders and discipling kids to walk with Christ for life. The curriculum and programs start at age 2 and continue through age 18.
We are very excited to introduce this world wide Child Ministry program here! Program time is 4pm- 6pm every Saturday during the school year.
Awana is designed to best serve your children when home and church are working together. We look forward to working with you, while making a commitment to learn the Bible together weekly!
Drop us a note regarding our ministry to children & youth.